Bats are one of the groups, which is the subject of the conservation in NATURA 2000 areas. Important areas (NATURA 2000) for bats are distributed along the Morava river. So, one course aimed on the bat identification will be held in Hohenau an der March, Austria.
We welcome all people interesting about bats. Time schedule:
18:00 - 19:00 Introduction of Determining species from pictures and padded bats
19:15 - 20:15 Introduction of acoustic bat determination
20:30 - about 22:00 Observation and determination in the field with bat detector, glasses and mist netting
We welcome all people interesting about bats. Time schedule:
18:00 - 19:00 Introduction of Determining species from pictures and padded bats
19:15 - 20:15 Introduction of acoustic bat determination
20:30 - about 22:00 Observation and determination in the field with bat detector, glasses and mist netting