Project description
The project will
be built on the results of the previous project. Two main parts of the
project are identified:
1. conservation of roost and foraging sites
2. education of the public
Within the conservation of roost sites, we will realize measures for the
bat conservation in bunkers (army shelters), old dog pens (colonized by
the bat colony) and tourist shelters. Also, wetlands will be
revitalised and trees with cavities suitable for bats will be marked and
Our activities
will involve local people in conservation actions similar to the
previous project. We will realize presentations for children and the
course about bat identification in the field. In this project, we will
be more focused on the conservation of roost sites and foraging sites
and education about them in selected areas - Bratislava City Forests and
Buda Mountains.
We plan involving people more for our activities.
Implementation period: June 2020 - April 2021
Funded by Visegrad Fund
Project partners
Saola - ochrana prírody - slovak non-governmental organization focused on the nature conservation and research activities, which help to improve the species conservation status. All year activity is aimed on the education of families and children, monitoring of bats and birds. Based on the previous project experiences, Saola prepares and realizes nature conservation projects especially on the local and regional level.

Vénic Természetvédelmi és Természetismereti Alapítvány - hungarian non-governmental organization, focused on the nature conservation in the area Pilis and Visegrad mountains. Vénic Nature Conservation Foundation operates from February 2006. The membership of the Board of Trustees includes 3 persons as active center of the membership. Our programs were mostly volunteered by high school students and university students (cca. 5-10 people what depends on the season). The mission is composed of the floristic, fauna and ecological surveys carried out in the areas of natural, but legal and non-protected areas in Hungary, especially in Natura 2000 areas. Within the framework of our public interest the aim is to know the biodiversity of natural sites of our surroundings and to get much more information about those still unknown areas. The target groups are mainly younger generations as students who interested on our biological diversity and the nature conservation.
ZBYTECH - A company based in 2002 in Poland. Main mission is the conservation of bat wintering and breeding sites. Building and installation of bat boxeswith original design is also important part of practical conservation measures.